Lights going up on houses simply reminds me that my maternity leave is soon coming to an end. I am having the hardest time wrapping my head around how I am going to leave my sweet girl everyday. Truthfully, I am in denial.
And it makes me so sad.
Commuting into San Francisco everyday just doesn't seem as exciting anymore. Happy hour after work is trumped by after bath snuggles. My Starbucks habit has dropped - and perhaps a few pounds with that!
I just feel like I am of so much more value at home. I don't want to miss the milestones. I don't want to rush the mornings, missing out on those amazing morning smiles. I know there will be days I wish I worked in an office. Right now is not it.
Tell me how do you working mamas do it?

aww she is sooo sweet! i'd be pretty bummed to go back to work too. xo jillian - stop by! I'm hosting a Freshly Picked Moccasin giveaway on cornflake dreams
ReplyDeleteSHe looks absolutely precious! I don;t know that I could go back to work! Hang in there momma.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter was born August 15th and I went back to work two weeks ago, it is tough. She is my second baby and everyone told me that it would be easier this time but it's not. You said it perfectly when you said you feel like you are of much more value at home. I was just telling my husband this morning that I want to quit working and stay home! Sorry I'm not much help, but you're not alone!
ReplyDeleteOh that's tough! Will be thinking about you. Try to enjoy the moment instead of worrying about what's to come... The hardest part of being a mom!
ReplyDeleteLaura, I feel for ya. It is HARD, not going to lie, but it gets easier everyday. It really is like Christmas every day when you come home, & the moments are THAT much more special. You will get through it, before you know it it will be second nature, & one day she will be so proud of you for working hard for your family. HUGS your way!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry girl!!! This can't be easy for you and I can see why - her face is just too sweet for words!
ReplyDeleteI can only Imagine how tough that is for new mommies, but with my friends, it seemed that after the first few weeks they got used to it, it got less hard, and they were able to find parts of the situation they actually enjoyed.
ReplyDeleteShe is so cute!! - I don't know how mammas do it! My sister ended up taking some unpaid time because she just wasn't ready. And my Mom & her mother in law watched him so that helped knowing he was with family. We need longer maternity leave in the US! Another friend of mine went back to work for about 5 months and then decided to stay home with her son. I can't imagine, such a tough choice. Just have to follow your gut and do what's best for you and your family :) xo
ReplyDeleteGirl, I don't even have a baby yet and I already stress over this. I truly can only imagine! Thinking of you...
ReplyDeleteAre you going back earlier than you originally planned? I thought you were off through New Years?? But don't will get easier!!
ReplyDeleteGoing back to work is so hard. It does get easier after the first day but there will still be days where you sit at your desk and cry because you are missing those precious hours. I don't know what your childcare arrangements are but it helps so much if you have someone you can facetime with or who will send you pictures throughout the day. The days will feel like they drag on forever but all of the sadness disappears when you are greeted with that smiling face! Good luck Momma!
ReplyDeleteOh that sweet face!!! It is so tough girl my sister has had to go through it 3 times!!! I can only imagine.....
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine how hard it would be to leave that cute little face! My situation will be different since I work from home, but try to focus on the positives! You're providing for her future and she will admire you for being such a hard worker, at home and at work, plus I'm sure you'll learn to appreciate the time with her even more than you already do (if thats even possible!)
ReplyDeletei wouldn't want to leave that sweet baby face either!
ReplyDeleteOh, that smile. It just melts your heart. It will all work out!
ReplyDeleteI'm hosting a Whole Foods Market Giveaway on the blog hope you can join the fun. (
I can only imagine how hard it will be to leave that precious face everyday! No words of advice as I'm still staying at home, but hopefully you'll get into the rhythm of it and it won't be too bad?
ReplyDeleteI feel ya. We live for the weekends. And we make time together in the mornings and evenings really count. It's not easy, but it is what it is. I keep a photo of her pretty face next to my laptop and I think of all the fun things we will do together when she is older (thanks to Mommy working) like Disneyworld! :)
ReplyDeleteIt is really hard, not gonna lie. It helped me to talk to other moms at work, people that could sympathize with how I was feeling. I would race home the second I would, and our time together became even more precious since it was limited everyday. Weekends are AMAZING! 3-day weekends, even better! I know they say "it gets easier," but now, even a year later, it is still hard. But I remind myself, I am building a life for my daughter, my monetary contribution to our family from my paycheck is helping pave a better life for her. Hang in there! Bring Kleenex the first day. :)
ReplyDeleteHang in there mama!! I wish I had some magical words of advice but I don't. It's probably going to suck at first but every day will get easier and Presley will thank you one day!! My mom worked my whole life and I never felt slighted as a kid because she wasn't home!
ReplyDeleteYour baby is just adorable-such a precious face. I was a stay at home Mom until my youngest was six years old. I know it will be hard to leave her. My daughter had to go back to work part time at six weeks, and full time shortly after that. My grandson, Ashton is doing great and thriving. He is such a happy baby!