
I know people are all about the threenager stage these days but I am already fearing two. Oh man my sweet little precocious child has turned into a body throwing, temper tantrum throwing little crazy person.  She stays up so late at night that I hardly am finding time to do anything these days. I need a warm bath, bath bomb & a grayhound stat.

I feel like she is also mere moments away from learning how to climb out of her crib. When that day comes I am just going to give up and surrender to my new boss...Presley. I am beginning to think Hawaii with a two year old was one of my crazier ideas...


  1. We officially embark on the 'terrible twos' tomorrow but I swear we've been in them for 6 months already! Clara started climbing out of her crib months ago and her pediatrician told us we had to switch her to a toddler bed and shockingly, she actually stays in her bed better now! I think it's because she actually enjoyed climbing in and out and now she just walks around for a bit, climbs back into bed, and is done with it. Phew! Anyway, hang in there! We can do this :-)

  2. We took Liam to Hawaii just a few months after he turned two and it was one of our best trips ever!!! P will be a blast. She may also be in your bed....

  3. Two has been the MOST fun with the exception of the last couple weeks. She has been downright mean but she is so expressive that I can't help but laugh and scoop her up and love on her (which is generally not well-received). People have said the terrible twos are nothing compared to the threenager so I'm getting nervous :) We'll make it through this and look back one day and laugh! ...I hope.

  4. Haha - i have to be honest... Ones, twos, threes, fours - there is always something that gets thrown your way!! But you will make it work sweet friend. Hawaii will be amazing - sunshine holidays always bring out the best in my girls, they love the freedom and quality time! x
